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July 16-18, 2020.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Inspired by this quote, the Unite Inc., leadership conference “Won't Back Down: Leadership in Crisis” ensured that COVID-19 would not stop HBCU student leaders from around the country from receiving high-quality leadership training. This 3-day conference took place on July 16-18, 2020.


This virtual conference was designed for student leaders currently enrolled at HBCUs across the country. We tailored the interactive workshops to suit the needs of SGA, Campus Courts, Campus Activity/Programming Boards, and NPHC leaders. We served over 300 from 38 HBCUs



"This was the best conference I’ve ever attended in my entire life. Thank you Dr. Tee and Duncan for facilitating this for us HBCU student leaders"

"Strong Black Woman- Dr. Dia Bryant was AMAZING. In the short amount of time we had everyone feeling comfortable enough to share personal information. It was very uplifting"

"Becoming A Queen Panel- I enjoyed this session. Sacrifice is required for greatness. Rema really put things into perspective"

"R.E.A.L. Leadership- You all are awesome ! I love the energy that you bring to the conference ! Thank you for putting this on"

"Power of Listening- Yo Dr. Sam really made me question my communication skills. This was so amazing and eye-opening !"

 "Dr. Tee just a great speaker in general but I feel so much more prepared. On red solo cups this session gave me homework. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you"

"Maximizing Your 24 Hours- loved hearing this one so inspiring I aspire to be like the speaker"

"I really enjoy informational seminars like these. A lot of us college students are lost when trying to figure out the next steps in their educational journey. The speaker was very informative and genuine !!"

"Strong Black Woman- It was truly relieving to just talk and be. We are a community that needs healing. Dr. Dia Bryant really asked us so many thought-provoking questions. These conversations are needed for growth in our community. I thank her a thousand times for just giving me that 50 minutes to an hour of therapeutic conversation"

"This session has opened my eyes and basically told me to WAKE UP your time is near and you need to get it together. I had such a closed mindset on attending UTA for social work when I have experience in Education. So I am now opening my options and exploring more schools and programs"

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